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  • Writer's pictureYusuf Tokdemir

We can achieve sustainable agricultural productivity growth!

We can achieve sustainable agricultural productivity growth by innovations in digital transformation and data-driven solutions for more efficient, productive and sustainable farming. We have to increase agro-food output by 60 percent to 2030.

We can do this. The future of farming will depend on adapting to new technologies, using IoT, sensors, robotics and digital equipment on the field. Today, digital agriculture, drones (UAVs) and robots with AI are used in inspecting crops, nutrient and fertiliser management, irrigation, farmer decision-making and planning, and moving livestock and safety. So that we can have the opportunity to develop data-driven solutions for more productive and sustainable agriculture and precision farming. Digital transformation will help to improve the quality and the size of the agricultural yield through precise data interpretation.

We can use digital technologies in:

1. Identifying crop health by Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI ) technique,

2. 3D agricultural soil mapping for precision farming,

3. Providing Digital elevation models (DEM) for building construction, drainage, green landscaping and agriculture planting,

4. Spraying tree or plant seeds,

5. Checking agricultural water troughs, livestock safety and security, and internal temperature of the plants,

6. Monitoring pollination, crop health and irrigation,

7. Applying nutrient and fertilizers,

8. Integrated weed and pest management,

9. Giving real time data.

As a summary, we have design and develop new agricultural models and change our mindset from short-term profitability to value and production efficiency through focusing on the reducing the climate change effects and improving the ecosystem services by performing digital transformation in agro-food industry. So that we can ensure productivity, food safety and security for our planet.

Well-Protected Ecosystem Services in Artvin, Turkey


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